Sunday, April 6, 2014


I have found after reading the articles that the canon is truly a male dominated, white dominated grouping of writings. Even after years have past women and writes of color have not seemed to make a dent in the list. This brought me back to high school when we had to read "the classics". It surprised me that many teachers teach them with no relevance to how they relate to our society today. For example we have come a long way form when Of Mice and Men was publish and it is till taught but why? To show that we have changed and what life was like back them. Yes its important to get a view of the past but we need to document the present to because shortly it will also be the past. I like that some teachers are wanting to share new books that have meaning to their classes. Our values have changed slightly the american dream is no longer to own a house with a fence when we have so many towns and skyscrapers. We need more diversity in the canon so kids can truly understand why these works are great other than begin just dead white men. What is valuable now is accepting one another and begin who you are. being an original and the cannon doesn't always do that. Thus it needs to be revises.

My Cannon
The host -Stephanie Myer
Just Listen -Sarah Deesen
Dream Land- Sarah Deesen
Ender's Game
Silver Linings Playbook
The Help
Boy in Striped Pajamas
Anne Frank
Pride and Predigest

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